A branching statements is also known as selection of control statements.
C languagec executes the
program statements in a sequence,branching statements are used to the alter the flow of the sequence of
statements. branching statements also known as control statements. prgrammer can jump from one part of the
program to other with the help of branching statements.
if (condition) { //body of if statement statements; }
in "if" statement, respective block of code is executed when condition is true.
void main()
int a, b;
printf(“Enter the frist number\n”);
scanf(“%d ”,&a);
printf(“Enter the second number\n”);
scanf(“%d ”,&b);
printf(“a is max and value of max is %d”, a);
printf(“b is max and value of max is %d”, b);
Enter the frist numbers 14 Enter the second number 27 b is max and value of max is 27
if (condition) { //body of if statement statements; } else { //body of else statement }
in "if else " statement, if block of code is executed when condition is true, otherwise else block of code executed.
void main()
int n;
printf(“Enter the number\n”);
scanf(“%d ”,&n);
printf(“Entered number is even”);
printf(“Entered number is odd”);
Enter the number 14 Entered number is even
if(condition1) { //body of else Statements; if(condition2) { if(condition3) { //body of if Statements; } else { Statements; } else { //body of else Statements; } else { //body of else Statements; }
In “nested if else ” statement, if condition 1 is false, then condition 2 is checked and if condition 2 is true then statements of that respective if bock are executed.
If condition 2 also gets false, then else part is executed.
void main()
float a, b, c;
printf(“Enter the three sides of a triangle\n”);
scanf(“ %f %f %f”, &a, &b, &c);
printf(“ The given sides are \n”);
printf(“% 8.2f %8.2f %8.2f \n”, a, b, c);
if(((a+b) > c) && ((a+c) > b) && ((b+c) > a))
if(((a==b) && (a==c))
printf(“Equilateral triangle \n”);
if((a==b) !! (a==c) !! (b==c))
printf(“Isosceles triangle \n ”);
printf(“ Simple triangle \n”);
printf(“Triangle is not possible”);
Enter the three sides of a triangle 3.0 3.0 3.0 The given sides are 3.0 3.0 3.0 Equilateral triangle
if (condition1) { Statement1; } else if (condition2) { Statement2; } else if (condition3) { Statement3; } . . else { Default Statement; }
In “if else if ladder” every if statement having condition, if that condition get executed and result of condition is true then body of respective if block get executed and runtime cursor get of that if else if ladder and next statement after that ladder get executed.
void main()
int day ;
printf(“Enter the week day number between 1 to7 \n”);
scanf(“%d ”,&day);
if(day==1) {
printf(“\n Week day is Monday”);}
else if(day==2){
printf(“\n Week day is Tuesday”);}
else if(day==3) {
printf(“\n Week day is Wednesday”);}
else if(day==4){
printf(“\n Week day is Thursday”); }
else if(day==5){
printf(“\n Week day is Friday”); }
else if(day==6) {
printf(“\n Week day is Saturday”); }
else if(day==7) {
printf(“\n Week day is Sunday”); }
else {
printf(“\n Wrong choice. Please enter correct week day.”); }
Enter the week day number between 1 to7 4 Week day is Thursday
switch(control expression) { case constant1 : statements; break; case constant2 : statements; break; ……… ……… default : statements; }
In switch case statement, there is no condition instead of that there is control expression. If control expression value does not match with any of case constant then last default case get executed. Here case ends with break statement. break statement breaks current switch case and cursor goes out of switch case.
Switch case statements are used to execute only specific case statements based on the switch expression
void main()
int n;
printf("Enter the number of day\n");
case 1:
printf("the day is monday");
case 2:
printf("the day is tuesday");
case 3:
printf("the day is wensday");
case 4:
printf("the day is thrusday");
case 5:
printf("the day is friday");
case 6:
printf("the day is saturday");
case 7:
printf("the day is sunday");
printf("enter correct number");
Enter the number of day 4 the day is thursday