No. |
C |
C++ |
1 |
C is a structural or procedural programming language and does not support classes and objects. |
C++ is a combination of both procedural and object-oriented programming languages. |
2 |
C is middle level programing language. |
C++ is high level programing language. |
3 |
C was developed by Dennice Ritchie between 1969-1973 at AT&T Bell Labs. |
C++ was developed by Bjarne Stroustrup in 1979 . |
4 |
In C scanf() and printf() functions are used for standard input and output. |
In c++ cin>> and cout<< used for standard input and output. |
5 |
C does not support reference variable. |
c++ support reference variable. |
6 |
In C programming Emphasis is on doing things (procedures). |
In c++ programming Emphasis is on data . |
7 |
In C the Program is divided into functions. |
In C++ Programs are divided into objects. |
8 |
Global data can be accessed by external functions. |
-Data is hidden and cannot be accessed by external functions. |
9 |
C follows top down approach in program design. |
C++ follows bottom-up approach in program design. |
10 |
C is a subset of C++. |
C++ is a superset of C. |
11 |
C Program files are saved with .C extention |
C++ Program files are saved with .CPP extention |
12 |
C supports only Pointers. |
C++ supports both pointers and references. |